

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我需要10句广告语英语的]Connecting People.诺基亚广告词Intelligence Everywhere.MOTO广告词Ask for more.百事可乐广告词Make every drop count.可口可乐广告词ten sites of West Lake 西湖十景....+阅读

1.It should take some actions to stop them from doing whatever they want.

2.Those kids are curious about how ants find the food.

3.The professor's humor and strong memory gives everyone a deep impression.

4.He intends to engage in foreign trade in his early year.

5.I have no time this afternoon.I have a apppintment with dentist.

6.It is not a difficult thing to find some free entertainment in a big city.

7.Ecotourism enjoys 5 percent growth rate all over the world these years.

8.To memory those brave firefighters,a movie is about to film.

9.Come to education,most of people treat it as a lifetime study.

10.As we know,Chinese government spares no effort to make China a pure and beautiful coutry.


1. Teacher should manage students seriously.

2. We went to Beijing a few days ago.

3. No need for you to wear shool uniform everyday.

4. He should focus on study, not PC.

5. To listen to music is a good way to relax.

6. To drink milk is good for your health.

7. You should learn from your elder brother to play piano.

8. We should help each other.

9. I had experience to have a test (exam) again.

10. Lucy and Lily look so open-minded.

汉译英帮帮忙 10个句子

1\ I bought an umbrella yesterday.

2\ The plane will take off at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow.

3\ My mother is cooking while I am doing my homework.

4\ Can you imagine that you would become a pilot?

5\ I had a unusual experience last Sunday.

6\ I was amazed by the amazing news.

7\ Don't shout to him.

8\ He broke the window and ran off.

9\ Last week he went to work by bike.

10\ Nancy likes going hiking on weekend


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