every year's mid-autumn fest is my most anticipated day, not because of the delicious mooncakes, nor is it because of the beautiful round moon, but it's because every year at this time, the family can be together, whether it's the relatives working or the good friends studying far away. this year was even more special than other years, because today it is my good friend's birthday, at night, my friends and I brought lots of presents to her house, she was out very early to welcome us. After we gave her the presents, we all went to the roof of her house, her parents had already prepared the cake, we talked about the interesting things that happened in university, it seemed that everyone's lives were full of joy. while we were eating cake, we started to have a cake fight, making our clothes covered in cake when we got home. This years mid-autumn fest was special and fun, hope everyone will remain happy forever, this is our wish to the moon, i believe it will come
童年趣事作文 400字回首童年,众多记忆浮现在眼前。那一幕幕情景,虽表面可笑,却富有意义;那一个个鲜活的人物,和我一起见证着历史的足迹。我仿佛看到了记忆大树上挂着的叶子记录着我的过去,在风中摇曳...
童年趣事400字作文童年是最纯真,最美丽的,我们每天都在编制一个美丽的梦。 记得7岁那年,外婆给我讲起了这样一个故事:“从前有一个人,他非常喜欢吃杨梅,有一次,他一不留神把杨梅核吞进肚子里,过了几天...
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童年趣事作文600字开头是童年像一本童话书童年往事 童年是纯真的,童年是金色的,童年的往事像天边的浮云一般记不清了,可那件事却记忆犹新。 那时我才5岁多,妈妈买了一些枣子回来,我急忙冲了上去品尝,妈妈说:“不要把核吃进...
童年趣事作文1000童年是一支歌,跳跃着五彩的音符; 童年是一首诗,充满了幻想和憧憬; 童年是所有人最美好的回忆,那么天真,那么纯洁; 童年像一本本有趣的书,充满着一个个精彩的故事; 童年是每个人必不可...
童年趣事作文1000字记忆中,童年有趣的事就象天上的星星一样,数也数不清。随着时光的流逝,有的事渐渐淡忘了,而有的事印在脑海里却怎么也抹不掉。今天我就写出其中一件事讲给大家听听吧! 记得六岁那...
童年趣事点评语回答即可得2分,回答被采纳则获得像带着朝露的蓓蕾,似闪着七色霞光的彩虹,我的童年充满了欢乐,充满了幻想,更充满了爱。 我的童年充满了爱——妈妈爸爸的爱。他们无微不至地关心我...
幸福童年趣事评语范文童年趣事作文评语 童年趣事作文评语 我的童年充满了爱——妈妈爸爸的爱。他们无微不至地关心我;早晨为我准备好可口的早餐,深夜又起来为我盖被;夏天为我驱蚊打扇,冬天为我的脚按...