
三年级会读英语小故事要20 30字的要4篇!急!

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

1.A black dogThat dog belonging to XiaiMing not only like shouting but also naughty,we all like it and how good it will be when i also have one!小黑狗小明家的小黑狗又可爱又顽皮,大家都很喜欢它,我要是有一只就好了2.Sun riseToday I got up early to see the sun rising . The sun rose slowly in the east. Flaming red as fine,hanging in the sky,let the dazzling light out.日出今天,我早起看日出。太阳慢慢地升起来,火红火红的,悬在天空中,放出耀眼的光芒3.Do helping for motherToday I helping my mother buy soy ,and my mother praised me a good boy.帮妈妈做事今天,我帮妈妈买酱油,妈妈夸我是个好孩子4.Dry cotton wadded quilt in the sunThe cotton wadded quilt which has been dried just in the sun smlls a smell of the sun.晒被子刚刚晒过的被子有一股太阳的味道虽然有些字数不够,但我还给你翻译,这是我一个字一个字打出来的,可以给我一点悬赏分吗,那我的辛苦也没白费,谢谢了!!!(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……...
