[我和猫的感人故事作文400字]展开全部 提到“猫”有的人会想到几个词:贪吃、贪玩、贪睡;有的人认为“猫”可爱,干净:最让我感动还是它们之间的情感。 我的姥姥家里养着两只可爱的小猫,一个是上个月刚出生的,另...+阅读
I called the NBA - BAY. Is this name because I like basketball and I like to wear casual most at ordinary times, and is the most boring uniforms.However, recent school in order to rectify JiaoRong withdrawing, must wear school uniform during the school regulations, otherwise allowed. In all cases, the helpless to wear uniforms. At the beginning I just think: the color too drab, uniform throughout the campus are the same color, want to seek a classmate must be very difficult - - - - - afterwards just know this idea of students, so don't wear uniform things happen repeatedly. Our head teacher li see this kind of circumstance is the student in the class meeting whether should the school uniforms, the topic of discussion. Students discuss very intense, some say: uniforms, orderly, to improve school spirit, Some say: that we have no time to buy clothes wear uniforms are all day, too drab, And the classmate say: why so strict regulation clothes? To learn not only the learning school, OK? Why to wear clothes in the big fuss? The teacher to students after say: everyone can talk his understanding of the said, eagerly very good, I want to add that, the school that dressing is first to improve school spirit, the second is to improve students' good suppression of the ethos of one-upmanship, be helpful for students to spread the degree of concentration, learn to think about whether you? The teacher let silence in the classroom.From then on, I never had no classes wear uniforms, and we are getting to school that she is very kind - - - - - just like his good friend. So here I urge our students from the simple, clean up the moral character is very important.
作文记忆中的故事记忆是美好的。我童年中的故事是多么快乐的,然而却有一件是还烙在我的记忆里。 记得那一天晚上,天下着蒙蒙的细雨。我就发着高烧,正躺在床上。我很辛苦,头晕晕的,脸红红的,热热的...
成长中的故事作文600字成长是一个金碧辉煌的过程;成长是一个伤心再坚强的过程;成长还是一个哈哈大笑的过程。 我的成长是伤心再坚强的。 记得有一次,我的语文考得了87.5分,其它的同学都考得了九十几分...
考试中的故事作文五百字真是光阴似箭,日月如梭。时间过得真快,一转眼期中考试都结束了。 这次的期中考试,我的语文考得差,我的数学考得还满意。语文考得不好是因为基础题错得太多太多,可能是我太粗心大...
写一篇我学习中的故事作文600字左右p学习的故事 学习,它可以让你的人生丰富多彩。你学到的每一个只是都会让你受益匪浅。在这学习的过程中,会发生许多故事,有的很感人,有的很有趣…… 记得小时候,我写字东倒西歪,一点...
求作文中的故事让座 我去上学必须要乘公交车。有一天,我照旧登上了车,那天乘客很多,我好不容易有了座位。到了一站时,上来一个老人,站在我身边。我想给她让位,可是我又想,,大人为什么不让啊。就这...
我与花的故事作文记叙文我与花的故事 曾经,我的书桌上有一盆水仙花,她是我最好的玩伴。我总喜欢和她对坐着,静静地欣赏她。 一个青花瓷盆,一捧鹅卵石,一勺清水,就让她毫不自在。她没有,牡丹的雍容华贵,但我...
四年级的校服的自述作文500我们打造名牌,不求透风,只求透明 2、对,不要三四千,不要一两千,只要68,对,你没有听错,只要68,一中校服抱回家 3、一中校服,试穿一次不收任何费用,试穿就有... 我是一套美丽的校服,我生于...