[文言文王勃故事的翻译]王勃故事 九月九日都督大宴滕王阁,宿①命其婿作序以夸客②,因出纸笔遍请客,莫敢当,至勃③,然④不辞。都督怒,起更衣,遣吏伺其文辄报。一再报,语益奇⑤,乃矍⑥然曰:“天才也!”请遂成文,...+阅读
dancing in the moonlightwe get it on most every night when that moon is big and bright its a supernatural delight everybody's dancing in the moonlight everybody here is out of sight they dont bark and they dont bite they keep things loose they keep it tight everybody's dancing in the moonlight dancing in the moonlight everybodys feeling warm and bright its such a fine and natural sight everybody's dancing in the moonlight we like our fun and we never fight you cant dance and stay uptight its a supernatural delight everybody was dancing in the moonlight dancing in the moonlight everybodys feeling warm and bright its such a fine and natural sight everybody's dancing in the moonlight we get in on most every night and when that moon is big and bright its a supernatural delight everybody's dancing in the moonlight dancing in the moonlight everybody's feeling warm and bright its such a fine and natural sight everybody's dancing in the moonlight dancing in the moonlight everybodys feeling warm and bright its such a fine and natural sight everybodys dancing in the moonlight dancing in the moonlight everybodys feeling warm and bright its such a fine and natural sight everybodys dancing in the moonlight dancing in the moonlight everybodys feeling warm and bright its such a fine and natural sight everybodys dancing in the moonlight dancing in the moonlight everybodys feeling warm and bright its such a fine and natural sight
王勃故事的翻译译文 九月九日重阳节,都督阎伯屿在滕王阁大宴宾客。为了让自己的女婿在宾客面前显示才华,早就嘱咐他构思一篇序文,到时拿出来,又使人觉得是即席之作。宴会开始,阎伯屿谦恭地拿着...
谁知道王勃故事的翻译啊急急急急要这译文干什么用,是教学还是了解大意. 如果是了解大意,看下面 就是说都督在腾王阁下宴,还让自己的女婿准备了一篇文章.出于礼节,又拿出纸墨先请客人们写,但都拒绝了.到王勃时,他...
文言文王勃传的翻译王勃故事 九月九日都督大宴滕王阁,宿①命其婿作序以夸客②,因出纸笔遍请客,莫敢当,至勃③,然④不辞。都督怒,起更衣,遣吏伺其文辄报。一再报,语益奇⑤,乃矍⑥然曰:“天才也!”请遂成文,...
文言文王勃传翻译大会宾客是不是这个? 译文:九月九日重阳节,都督阎伯屿要大宴宾客。为了让自己的女婿在宾客面前显示才华,早就嘱咐他构思一篇序文,到时拿出来,又使人觉得是即席之作。宴会开始,阎伯屿谦恭地...
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