
急需一个英语故事:big shoe的故事

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小鱼青蛙和小鸟编一个故事]有一天,小鸟到池塘边嬉戏,它看见一条小鱼摆着尾巴,欢快地游着。 小鸟看了羡慕极了,说:“小鱼,你好!你真好,可以自由地到处游。” “你好呀,小鸟!难道你不自由吗?” “猎人专门捕捉我们...+阅读

This is an old story,which is told to children all over the world.Cinderella's father and mother_1_.She lived with her aunt,who had two daughters.All of them hated Cinderella because she was so beautiful.They made her_2_all the work in the house all day long.One day ,the Prince was old enough to marry.The king asked all the ladies in the land to come to a great dance._3_the night of the dance the Prince would choose his wife.When Cinderella heard about the dance ,she wanted to go .Her aunt and the ugly sisters laughed and said,"You can't go."Then they went off to the dance .Poor Cinderella sat by the fire_4_._5_she heard a gentle voice saying,"Don't cry,Cinderella,you shall go to the dance.I will help you." Cinderella_6_and saw a little old lady.She waved her stick at Cinderella.Suddenly she was wearing a wonderful dress."Now go th the dance ."said the little lady.Cinderella enjoyed the dance very much.ThePrince danced with her_7_.Suddenly the clockbeganto _8_twelve.She_9_one of her glass shoes on the steps.The next day,the Prince sent men to all parts of the country with the glass shoe,"If anyone can wear this small shoe."he said,"she must be the beautiful lady,and I will marry her."when the men brought the shoe to ugly sisters,they both pretended_10_the shoe,but their feet were big and the shoe was small.the man laughed."Let Cinderella try,"said one of the men.Cinderella put the shoe on easily.Then the Prince married her,and they lived happilyever after.


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