

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[mc小洲2015经典语录5开头那一小段英文歌叫什么]m here, you're there 我在这里,你在哪儿 But your love is with me everywhere I go 无论去到何方,你的爱始终陪伴着我 this I know 这一点我全然明了 I'm near, you're far...+阅读

A goose met a fox in the forest. The fox want to eat goose and goose said:'Please let me finish my last pray then you can eat me.' 'That's fine.'The fox said:'I will wait you to finish the pray.' Then the goose started to pray. She talked and talked, from day to night and contiue to the next day. It seems the pray will never finish and fox finally lose his patient. 'I will not wait any longer and will eat you now! Your pray works nothing and you will die soon.'The fox said and get toward the goose. Just at this moment, the tiger came and catch the fox. The goose smiled:'Well, I didn't pray for my own save. I just pray for the tiger can come across here and see you on the way.' She laughed and flew away.好像是伊索寓言里的,狐狸和鹅的故事。背景调查就交给你了。大概的意思是一天鹅在森林遇到了狐狸,狐狸要吃她。鹅就说请让我做最后的祈祷吧。狐狸同意了,然后鹅开始祈祷。她的祈祷从白天到晚上又再到白天。终于狐狸等不了了。狐狸说‘我要吃掉你,你的祈祷没有作用!’就在这时老虎出现将狐狸制服了。鹅笑着说‘我没有为自己的平安祈祷,我只是祈祷老虎会经过这里并看到你’她笑着飞走了。...


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