

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[野兔和狐狸收获伊索寓言]很久以前,“森林学校”里有两个学生:野兔和狐狸。 野兔学习很认真,他总是准确地回答老师提出的问题,狐狸的学习稍差些。所以,它一见到野兔,就很客气地打招呼,问一声好。野兔也总是...+阅读

The Lark and Her Young OnesA LARK had made her nest in the early spring on the young green wheat. The brood had almost grown to their full strength and attained the use of their wings and the full plumage of their feathers, when the owner of the field, looking over his ripe crop, said, "The time has come when I must ask all my neighbors to help me with my harvest." One of the young Larks heard his speech and related it to his mother, inquiring of her to what place they should move for safety. "There is no occasion to move yet, my son," she replied; "the man who only sends to his friends to help him with his harvest is not really in earnest." The owner of the field came again a few days later and saw the wheat shedding the grain from excess of ripeness. He said, "I will come myself tomorrow with my laborers, and with as many reapers as I can hire, and will get in the harvest." The Lark on hearing these words said to her brood, "It is time now to be off, my little ones, for the man is in earnest this time; he no longer trusts his friends, but will reap the field himself."从前,有一只聪明的云雀,竟然在麦地里筑巢孵卵。





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