

11月19日 编辑 39baobao.com


1 Those second-hand pianos are selling like hot cakes,if you want one,you'd betterbuy one now before they're all gone.

sell like hot cakes=sell very well or very quickly

2 Whenever I he to make a speech I get butterflies in my stomach.

get butterflies in one's stomach=ger nervous

3 He would do anything for his daughter.She was the apple of his eye.

be the apple of one's eye=be very precious to sb.

4 Lend me $30,please,Tom,I'm broke at the moment.

be broke=doesn't he any money

5 The accident was caused by a taxi driver jumping the green light.

jump the green light=doesn't wait for the traffic lights to change togreen

6 You didn't think I was serious,did you,Joe! It was a joke! I was pullingyour leg, that's all.

pull one's leg=tease someone,逗某人玩

7 Because the owner wanted a quick sale, the painting went for a song-only$1000.

If something "goes for a song",it is sold very cheaply

8 He caught the last train by the skin of his teech.

By the skin of one's teech=the person only just caught the last train;healmost missed it.

9 There was a shortage of food; so you had to pay through the nose for whatyou could find.

To "pay through the nose"for something is to pay far more for somethingthan it is really worth

10 If he finds out what you did with the pany's money,he'll hit the roof.

hit the roof=get very angry

11 The sky got very dark and soon the rain began to bucket down.

bucket down = rain very heily

12 They all chip in for the benefit of Simpson's widow and little child.

chip in=contribute money 捐献

13 He usually buys his clothes off the peg.It's cheaper than going to a dressmaker.

Off the peg clothes =成衣

14 Now stop beating about the bush and tell me what happened!

beat about the bush=oid saying directly what you mean

15 I really must go and lie down for a while ;I've got a splitting headache.

splitting headache=painful headache


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